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When you accept God into your life, God sends the Holy Spirit to live in you. Before that, you are like an empty vessel into which any evil spirit can come to dwell. But with the holy spirit in you, there is no room for evil spirits.

Should you believe in the existence of ghosts? I believe so. As much as I believe in God, I also believe in fallen angels inhabiting every corner of this earth, trying to snatch us away from God, deceiving us with all possible means.

But believe, that the Holy Spirit from God is mightier than all the spirits that dwell the earth. Now that you have God with you, you have no reason to be afraid of ghosts or evil spirits, who are nowhere as powerful as God, who created you and all those ghosts and spirits as well. In fact, the only fear you should have is of God. God will always protect His children (once you accept God into your life, you once again become His child), but there is no protection for you if you purposely disobey God. Though God is full of love and mercy and compassion for you, you should not take the wrath of God lightly.

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