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Book Review: Protein Power

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Protein Power (12 August, 2013)
© Timothy Tye using this photo

Protein Power is the book that brought about a paradigm shift in my approach to health. I've had this book for eleven years (as of August 2013), but was only able to follow it a year ago, as work commitments and the like did not provide the opportunity to properly control my diet. I have since read many, many other health books since then, but it is this one that made me really understand health.

If you are young and could eat whatever you want without a concern about weight, cholesterol and blood pressure, then this book might be premature for you. On the other hand, if you have noticeable weight gains, have had to fight to maintain your cholesterol and blood pressure, this book teaches you what matters, what don't, and the right approach to a good health.

In the eleven years I own this book, I have read and re-read many chapters, highlighted and underlined passages. It is a wonder that I found this book, eleven years ago, in our local MPH bookstore, for I have not been able to find it since. Unfortunately many of the health books in our local bookstores are teaching rubbish and are continuing to recycle the unsubstantiated rubbish that is causing a lot of obesity and health issues in America.

If you are at a stage where you want to take better care of your health, I would strongly recommend reading Protein Power.

Protein Power (12 August, 2013)
© Timothy Tye using this photo

Protein Power (12 August, 2013)
© Timothy Tye using this photo


Title: Protein Power
Author: Michael R. Eades, M.D. and Mary Dan Eades, M.D.
ISBN: 0-553-57475-2
Publisher: Bantam Books
Year of First Publication: February, 1996

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Protein Power is still in print today. It is presently (Aug 2013) available on Amazon for $11.46 new. To buy this book, click the link below.

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